Eclectic Energies

Books about Acupressure

These are books recommended for additional reading.

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Acupressure for Emotional Healing
A Self-Care Guide for Trauma, Stress, & Common Emotional Imbalances
by Michael Reed Gach & Beth Ann Henning

Acupressure points for emotional ailments, combined with breathing exercises, stretches and movement routines.
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Acupressure's Potent Points
A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments
by Michael Reed Gach

Instructions on how to do acupressure, and how to treat specific, mostly physical, disorders yourself.
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Acupressure Way of Health
Jin Shin Do
by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden

A simplified form of Jin Shin Do acupressure for emotional healing, suitable for lay persons. Introduction to the theory behind this system, acupressure point locations, and practical application for unblocking emotions.
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The Joy of Feeling
Bodymind Acupressure
by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden

Jin Shin Do acupressure helps unblock emotions, making it safe to feel. It is a synthesis of Western psychology, Taoist philosophy and acupressure theory. This books describes this therapeutic system.
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A Complete Guide to Acupressure
Jin Shin Do
by Iona Teeguarden and others

Using acupressure to relax the tensions that block emotions. Theory of the acupressure meridians and points and practical treatments and explanation of the therapy.
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Foundations of Chinese Medicine
A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists
by Giovanni Maciocia

Acupuncture theory, diagnosis and treatment, and the most important acupuncture points.
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A Manual of Acupuncture
by Peter Deadman & others

Extensive and authoritative book on the acupuncture points. Point location, actions, indications and commentary. Very clear drawings to help locating the points.

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