Eclectic Energies

I Ching Consultation

Your consultation resulted in the following hexagram:

changing to
39   5

39. Trouble

Line 1:

Going through trouble,
arriving at improvement.

Going through this trouble helps improving the situation.

Line 2:

The king's official causes trouble.
The trouble is not his personal intention.

Being given trouble by someone. This is not on purpose.

Hexagram is changing to:

5. Waiting

Have confidence in the sunlight.
Persistence brings good fortune.
It is beneficial to cross the big river.

Waiting for something. Be patient while what you are waiting for is still likely to happen. This is not stagnation, so hold on. It may be good to do something to get to a solution.
(The availability of sunlight denotes the time that it makes sense to wait, like until the end of the day, or perhaps until rain clouds obscure the sun. "Having confidence in the sunlight," is being patient while there is sunlight. Patience is a kind of confidence or trust.)

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by Ewald Berkers

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