Acupressure Points for Enneagram type 6
Acupressure points for emotional well-being, recommended for Enneagram type 6.
Largest Valley Stream
(Kidney 3)
Location: On the inside of the foot, halfway between the Achilles-tendon and the side of the ankle-bone.
Use: Press.
Effects: Heals effects on the body of too much fear. (Also for lower backpain.)
Great Bell
(Kidney 4)
Location: On the inside of the foot, near the Achilles-tendon, level with the lower part of the ankle-bone.
Use: Press.
Warning: Using this point to go against your heart or beyond your limits will damage your health even further. This will be the case when there are dark circles around your eyes.
Effects: Strengthens the will and dispels fear. For timidity.
Shining Sea
(Kidney 6)
Location: On the inside of the foot, directly below the middle of the ankle bone.
Use: Press.
Effects: Heals effects on the body of too much fear. Enhances vision.
Triple Yin Intersection
(Spleen 6)
Location: On the inside of the lower leg, one hand width (four fingers) above the tip of the ankle bone, on the back of the shin bone.
Use: Press.
Warning: Don't use this point during pregnancy.
Effects: Calms, relaxes and reduces irritability. Heals effects on the body of too much fear, worrying and thinking. (Also used for gynaecological conditions.)