Mudra set for balancing energy
Set of four mudras for balancing energy that are used in a sequence.
Alternately touch the tips of each finger with the tip of your thumb. Keep each connected for a few seconds or longer and do for a few minutes total. Do this with both hands simultaneously.

This is a simple way of balancing your energy that you can do almost anywhere, while sitting, standing,
walking, lying down.
The overall effect is that you get calmer, more relaxed and concentrated.
The separate mudras (hand positions) have the following effects:
Thumb touches tip of index finger
Opens the Root chakra, and moves more energy to the legs and lower body. Makes one calmer and more concentrated.
Thumb touches tip of middle finger
Fosters patience.
Thumb touches tip of ring finger
Energy, stability and self-confidence.
Thumb touches tip of pinky finger
Intuition and feeling.
(This set is a simplified version of a Kundalini yoga exercise.)