Acupressure Points for Enneagram type 1
Acupressure points for emotional well-being, recommended for Enneagram type 1.
Largest Infusion
(Liver 3)
Location: On the foot, on the line between the big toe and the second toe. The point is located about 3 finger widths from the edge, in the depression the size of a finger tip you can feel there.
Use: Reduce, so move your finger in counterclockwise direction over this point.
Warning: Don't use when weak or low on energy (in that case use SP-6 instead).
Effects: Relaxes and unblocks emotions (especially repressed anger). Depression.
Triple Yin Intersection
(Spleen 6)
Location: On the inside of the lower leg, one hand width (four fingers) above the tip of the ankle bone, on the back of the shin bone.
Use: Press.
Warning: Don't use this point during pregnancy.
Effects: Calms, relaxes and reduces irritability. Heals effects on the body of too much fear, worrying and thinking. (Also used for gynaecological conditions.)